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A THOROUGH Home Inspector LLC

Workphone: 2533809877
Mobile: 2533809877

Graham, WA 98338

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Michael Johnson

When making a new home purchase, most buyers will benefit greatly from retaining an inspector. The proper training & experience are needed when analyzing the numerous critical home systems. With our background we can approach the inspection with the comprehensive ability to properly assess each of these systems and report to the client any critical issues discovered. While the process is designed to help the customer discover any serious problems it also leads to the description of all systems involved in the prospective new home. All styles of design and building varieties will be reported on and described with full detail in report. With access to the final report the customer will receive all documentation and corroborating photos in support of the conclusions. A general home inspection is a non-invasive procedure that gives the customer the information they will need to soundly decide on their new purchase. View our web-site at:


Washington State Inspector #1676


Our goal will be to have you feel comfortable you made the right decision in contracting us to work on your behalf. The home inspection is the best way for the consumer to know they are making the right decision when purchasing a new home.

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