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Before you purchase or sell your home or property, please call . We can help protect your investment with a thorough home/property inspection! Call us now to discuss your individual inspection needs.


We perform thorough inspections at reasonable prices. We can help you get to know the condition of the property you are about to buy or sell, and give you the confidence you need to make an informed decision.


Very thorough, considerate and professional in all aspects of a job expertly done! Thank you!
- N.S., August 2017
I don't know what home inspection is like since this is my first experience. But I saw that Wally went in the smallest details while inspecting my Future home and I couldn't be happier since i can sleep in peace knowing that the report satisfies my worries about buying a home and make an informed decision.
- V.P., August 2017
Wally was great! Extremely knowledgeable and helpful.
- J.F., May 2017
Mr. Hoffman was very knowledgeable in his inspection and very helpful in explaining everything to me.
- D.A., July 2016
Wally Hoffman was punctual, prepared and knows his job well. He was very detailed and thorough and willing to share with me his observations as he worked. He is efficient, knowledgeable, organized, and does not cut any corners. I would work with him again and recommend him without reservation.
- J.B., July 2016
Very thorough and conscientious. Very calm and willing to explain findings, in layman's terms.
- G.B., June 2016
I was highly satisfied with the service provided at the home located at 143 Chipwood Drive, Hendersonville, TN. Wally was very thorough and eager to answer all of the questions that I had regarding the inspection! I would highly recommend Wally Hoffman for future inspections. Kind regards, Marquita Hill
- M.H., May 2016
Wally was great. Thorough and helpful in explaining everything.
- S.L., May 2016
He did a great job
- C.F., May 2016
Thanks for your help, Wally!
- , May 2016